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How to help us

Rete Milano lives on voluntary donations and does not receive any public funding.

Thanks for the support!

Free donation

Make a free donation by bank transfer made out to RETE MILANO ODV, IBAN IT34J0306909606100000175656. In the reason for payment, indicate the tax code and email address.

A small regular donation would be of great help to our management

To receive the donation certificate, indicate in the description name, surname, address and house number, zip code, city and e-mail.

Se invece di una donazione una tantum preferisci sottoscrivere una piano di donazione mensili clicca su questo pulsante


Donate your 5x1000 to RETE MILANO ODV – CF: 97877460150

Used clothes

Bring used clothes (mainly for men/boys sizes S/M) or other useful material (backpacks, blankets, sleeping bags…) that you have available directly to our wardrobe (attention! the items must be clean and still in good condition; please always check with us first what we actually need at that moment)

Decathlon gift cards

give us a Decathlon gift card with which we will buy the items we deem most necessary (clothing, shoes or backpacks)


1. Go to the link:

2. Register on the site

3. Decide on the amount (minimum 10 euros)

4. Send to

5. Name: Milan Network

Become a volunteer or member

Become a volunteer or member: download the form or ask for information  with an email

RETE MILANO ODV – CF: 97877460150    email

© 2022 by ReteMilano

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